
Please read what your colleagues are saying about Wallcur

"We use a variety of the products for realistic medication administration experiences in our clinical lab. They are extremely effective teaching tools."

Christopher Garrison
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL

"Practi-Amps--wonderful! We have been using them for years!"

Susan Sale
Riverside School of Professional Nursing
Newport News, VA

"We use your Injecta-Pad and find it very useful."

Joan Carlson
Harper College
Palantine, IL

"I couldn't teach injection techniques without the Injecta-Pad."

Marie Colucci
Riverside City College
Riverside, CA

"Simulation increases opportunities for learning by bringing realistic, active learning experiences to the student. The student can engage in the simulated learning experience, repeat it until they have learned the material, or go back to it for review. Most importantly, simulation allows learning to occur without risk to patient safety."

Patricia A. Adams
Western Technical College
La Crosse, WI

"I would purchase any placebo drugs that you offer - please add more!"

Mary E. Mohr
Pharmacy Technician Program Director
Clarian Health Partner, Inc
Indianapolis, IN

"Thank you for such an easily navigable web site and catalogue. This department has been a long time user of your training products. Glad you are here!"

Maureen Bykerk
Department of Nursing
Cal-State University Long Beach
Long Beach, CA

"We use the Injecta-Pad. Great! This is like the real thing!"

Kathleen Mastia
Muhlenberg School of Nursing
Plainfield, NJ

"I love the new website! It is so easy to navigate, there is so much useful information readily available and the pictures have great detail. We are very happy to be a supplier for your products! It's been great to work with a company with such excellent customer service for so many years."

Kristy C. Rispoli
Grace Training Supply, Inc
Orlando, FL